The entire Full Service Chimney team was able to make it out to Norfolk, VA for NCSG 2019. To experience this years National Chimney Sweep Guild Convention. Robert Berry, FSC Owner and Chimney Sweep has attended many of these events over a 30+ year career, but for many folks on our team it was a first time experience!
Good Enough is not Good Enough Slide Quote on Twitter
FSC photo with National Chimney

FSC photo with National Chimney

NCSG2019-2257 USS Wisconsin Barrel Brush
Like we use a specialty brush to clean the inside of a chimney, this is a heavy duty brush used to clean inside the barrels on those big guns on the Battleship Wisconsin. Which by the way, was a great museum and tour we got to enjoy while in Norfolk, VA.

See the Full Album on our Facebook Page

It was a wonderful opportunity to take daily classes run by experts in the field, learn about the growing industry, meet people from all over the world and have a great time boosting the morale of our own people. We’d like to thank our loyal Spring and Summer customers for your patience during our short absence. The work our Chimney Sweeps do is not easy, and everyone needs an occasional break away from the daily routine.
This convention helped us come together as a team, as an industry and truly grow to be better than we were yesterday. We are so very grateful for the opportunity to mingle with the finest in the industry and learn from the best. Hope to see you next year! #NCSG2019

Visit the Official 2019 NCSG Convention Page for event details and sponsors.

Learn more about the (NCSG) National Chimney Sweep Guild