Please see the UPDATED post for 2021:
10 Best Firewood Storage Ideas. It includes new updated shed plans and tons of bonus material!
During the NCSG 2019 (a Chimney Sweep Convention) we came across BurnWise (a Program of the U.S. EPA). This is a wonderful resource for Homeowners and we’d like to pass it on to you! On the main page you’ll find information geared toward Consumers, Businesses, and Air Agencies concerning environmental issues and in their words: the Burn Wise program promotes the importance of burning the right wood, the right way, in the right appliance.
Hey… that’s what WE DO here at Full Service Chimney!!! Enough about us… Let’s get onto the good stuff…
Here’s the video by BurnWise that shows us How to Build a Firewood Storage Shed:
Plans for the Project
The plans for How to Build a Firewood Storage Shed should open so you can print or save as you wish. This was a flyer that one of our team members picked up during the NCSG Tradeshow, and comes from the (EPA) – Environmental Protection Agency, which is always a reliable source for quality information when it comes to safe burning, wood storage and many important environmental topics.
We hope you find these plans helpful, work safe, and Happy Building!