We Serve Greater Kansas City

Missouri & Kansas
Full Service Chimney™ has been helping customers with their chimney & fireplace needs locally for over 37 Years! Our chimney service area spans over 38 cities on both sides of the state line in KCMO and Kansas City, Kansas. Based out of Johnson County. We have Certified Chimney Sweeps serving local residential neighborhoods daily. We can help you too.


See all service areas below, then contact us today for help with your fireplace & chimney.


Call Us at 913-642-6171


Top Chimney Sweep for the KC Metro Area

Open the dropdown menus and click on links below to learn more about your local area chimneys.  If you’re interested there’s also a brief history on each of the cities that we serve, simply because we are proud of our Kansas City Metro heritage! We support the cities we visit daily.

*Please Note: a trip charge may apply to certain areas