Chimney Service in Spring Hill, KS

If you’re looking for the best Chimney Service in Spring Hill, KS then look no further, you’ve found the right team to help with all your fireplace and chimney needs! Whether it’s an inspectioncleaning, or repair, a Certified Technician will be on every job site. Backed by a team of support staff ready to help you with everything chimney and fireplace!  Learn more about us.

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We provide Complete Fireplace and Chimney Service to Spring Hill, KS and surrounding areas:

Since 1987 Full Service Chimney™ has provided your local community with a large variety of services for all your chimney and fireplace needs.

Including InspectionsCleanings, and Repairs such as:

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We offer a variety of repair and installation services to Spring Hill and the surrounding area.  Our Certified Chimney Repair Technicians exceed the industry standard to provide our customers with the best experience and highest quality service.

The Chimneys & Fireplaces of Spring Hill, Kansas


Founded in 1856 by James B. Hovey, Spring Hill, Kansas, was actually named after a town near Mobile, Alabama. However, it wasn’t until the 1870s that Spring Hill began to benefit from a growing population and increased commerce. Now the home to nearly 6,000 residents, the city has a range of historical and modern fireplaces that each need maintenance or repair to ensure usability and safety. Full Service Chimney has the skills and experience required to help, and we are confident the residents of Spring Hill won’t find a better partner for their fireplace and chimney needs in the Kansas City Metropolitan area!

150 years of living by the hearth

From the simple fireplaces and wood stoves that served the early settlers to the modern gas fireplaces and utility chimneys that serve the homes in recent years, Spring Hill, Kansas and its chimney go back nearly 150 years. Families in Spring Hill know after a hard days work that nothing soothes like time with loved ones around the fire.  

Town founders were a hardy stock

Since some of the city was of the Civil War era, the homes at this time had fireplaces and chimneys that were counted on for survival in the harsh Kansas prairie. Wood and, later, coal stoves and fireplaces were the equivalent of today’s central furnaces and kitchen ranges. Although most of the older stoves are gone, their chimneys continue serving the gas furnaces and water heaters. These older chimneys, many without clay flue liners, often need restoration to ensure “fire stays in its place”. Few fireplaces in homes prior to 1900 were of a decorative design, with smaller fireboxes and ornamental trim. Restoration of these fireplaces is a specialty of Full Service Chimney, allowing families to stay warm and safe.

    Spring Hill KS Damaged Chimney

    Dated Masonry Chimney in Spring Hill needs repairs

    Modern-day boomtown

    Almost one-half of Spring Hill’s current homes were built in the last twenty years, adding a nice mix of historic and modern lifestyles to this robust Kansas community. The home construction of the 2000s often have factory-built fireplaces and the air-cooled chimneys that serve them. In the last few years, gas fireplaces have become a popular choice for builders and homeowners alike. The direct-vent fireplaces and gas inserts provide the conveniences and warmth not available just a few years ago. Both the factory-built fireplaces and direct-vent inserts need the care and attention of their masonry counterparts. Annual servicing of these hearths are essential for trouble-free enjoyment and a long service life. Allow Full Service Chimney to be your Spring Hill chimney sweep. We’ll provide our friendly service to you as we have to Spring Hill for the last 37 Years.
    Spring Hill-Ks-Prefabricated-chimney

    Factory-built fireplace in Spring Hill

    The Right Team to Help with all your Fireplace

    Call now and speak with one of our CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps.

    Call us at 913-642-6171 

    A Quick History of Spring Hill, KS

    A wooded creek bank on the popular trade trail between Olathe and Paola seemed like a good spot to plat the town that James B. Hovey envisioned in 1856. He incorporated the town and built a small hotel for travelers the following year. In 1859, Spring Hill became the home to the first woman doctor in the state of Kansas. Doctor Celia Ann Dayton brought her son and husband from Vermont and established a practice in town. She was also rumored to be part of the Underground Railroad and actively helped the enslaved to gain their freedom. Celia’s son, Hiram Eugene, was a spy for the Union army.

    Gezer Park in Leawood

    Spring Hill Railroad

    He rode with some of William Quantrill’s crew, who frequently terrorized the area. Hiram did this until his identity was discovered and he was killed in 1862. In the same year, Quantrill’s Raiders attempted to raid Spring Hill but a farmer convinced them that a company of soldiers was waiting in Spring Hill. The guerrillas left but the Quantrill Raiders did return the next year and killed one citizen while they looted businesses and stole from farmers.

    Spring Hill continued to grow to approximately 500 people and several small businesses in the 1870s. When the railroad was being built, the lines threatened to bypass the town unless the citizens paid $15,000 to have the land graded. Spring Hillians were stubborn and refused to pay so the tracks were laid about 1/2 mile from the original town square. Businesses moved closer to the tracks and a new downtown began to develop. The first school, Spring Hill Rural High School, was built in the 1920s. The population remained around the same until the 1960s. At that time, the high school merged to include an elementary and junior high as well.

    Gezer Park in Leawood

    Spring Hill Cemetery

    City administrators decided to focus on bringing new industry to the city in the 1980s which successfully brought more businesses and residents to the town. The population increased initially but stayed steadily the same again until the 2000s. Nearby cities in Johnson County sprawled and the last 18 years saw tremendous growth, both in town and in rural parts within city limits. Several new subdivisions were developed leading to new schools and expanding the town out to the east and south. The population between 2000 and 2016 has more than doubled from 2,727 to 6,166 people. Despite its growth, Spring Hill has maintained its small-town values. The historical society has done a great job of preserving early homes and structures as well as the stories that made this small town what it has become today.

    Your Spring Hill, Kansas Fireplace Repair Professionals

    Full Service Chimney sweeps have repaired and replaced tens of thousands of fireplaces and chimneys in the Spring Hill, KS area. We can help you too!