Christmas fireplace decorations will not get in the way of a Full Service Chimney Sweep from performing a chimney inspection and fireplace cleaning. Our technicians take time and do their best to make sure that we don’t disrupt your home and hearth area during the holidays.

Remove Decor for Inspection During the Holidays… ? Nope. 

A common concern among customers during these chilly months is that a worker may come in and mess up the Christmas fireplace decorations during a chimney cleaning visit.

“The holiday season is a wonderful time to visit customers homes. I’ve seen some great Christmas displays in Kansas City homes, having been a local Chimney Sweep for over thirty years!  Robert Berry, – FSC Owner

It’s the time when folks are full of good cheer, but often stressed with the busy season. Preparing for guests or kids coming home on winter break, holiday meal planning… it’s a lot to handle!

Of course, its also the time of year for a chimney cleaning… and that’s where we come in!

Certified Chimney Inspector - Full Service Chimney

Busiest Time of Year for a Chimney Sweep

Every KC chimney company stays booked solid through the autumn & winter holiday months because homes need chimney service. It’s the time of year most people start thinking about it because it’s freezing outside! All of a sudden, you have problems that just didn’t exist in the spring & summer (well… they probably did exist, but nobody noticed).

Your Full Service Chimney Sweep will put fresh tarps down, wear new shoe booties and accommodate any fireplace Christmas decorations. We will (with clean hands) set aside stockings, gently move the plate of “Cookies for Santa” and make sure your golden reindeer go undamaged.
But we do have one request: Please don’t burn a fire in the fireplace the evening before our technicians arrive. Like Santa Claus, a chimney sweep needs to squeeze in there… Ouch, that’s hot!

Check out our Pinterest pins for decorative ideas on Christmas fireplace decorations

Happy Holidays from all the families at Full Service Chimney! 

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